Local sportSport

A touch away from victory

The Touch Rugby Winter Tournament was an all inclusive sports day which saw boys and girls, and moms and dads participate in the sport.

THE annual Touch Rugby Winter Tournament was recently held at The Bluff Christian Academy (BCA).

The tournament drew teams from Brighton Beach Primary School and CT Tutoring. It aimed not only to promote sportsmanship and participation in touch rugby, particularly among girls, but also to foster camaraderie among learners and teachers.

Also read: Bluff Christian Academy learner proves hard work pays off

Michelle Killian, the events coordinator at BCA, was thrilled with the tournament’s success. She credited BCA’s coach, Marlin Wilson, for expertly organising the event, which brought together young athletes from various schools. Despite the competitive atmosphere, all participants demonstrated outstanding sportsmanship and enjoyed their time on the field.

The tournament began with spirited matches among the three teams, showcasing the players’ determination, agility, and teamwork. Spectators enthusiastically cheered on the players, immersing themselves in the spirit of the game.

Beyond the main tournament, special matches were organised for parents, including a moms and dads game, adding an extra layer of excitement and engagement for families. Food stalls were scattered throughout the venue, offering a variety of treats to keep participants and spectators energised.

Killian emphasised the crucial role of sponsors in making the event possible and thanked them for their generous support, which contributed to its success.

At the tournament’s conclusion, medals and certificates were awarded to the winners and outstanding performers. Brighton Beach Primary School claimed victory in the senior boys’ category, while BCA emerged as the winners in the junior boys and mixed girls’ category. The two schools also shared the floating trophy award.

Killian expressed her gratitude to everyone involved for making the event a memorable and enjoyable day for both participants and spectators.

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