Mapetla Concerned Women held its first drug awareness campaign aiming at condemning the use of drugs by the youth in their areas.
The campaign was supported and attended by the area councillor Asaf Kgobata, SANCA officials and well-wishers from the community.
The organisation’s manager Dipuo Setlogelo said all the credit in making the event a success must go to the funders.
“With the assistance of our councillor, we have managed to get lots of support towards making this event a great success.
“To all residents and parents who brought their children forward to get the message for the day, we really appreciate their assistance and we hope they can always supervise and keep a sharp eye on their children and make sure that they stay far away from drugs.”
Kgobata said: “Books build future leaders and drugs destroy future leaders, so you must always make sure that you don’t touch drugs and never try to experiment with drugs, they will destroy you.
“When bored or feeling hurt or disappointed, the only thing to do to relieve stress is to read your schoolbooks, schoolchildren’s first priority must be reading books and nothing must come before your books,” he said.
Forming part of the event, the organisors hosted activities such as soccer and netball tournaments and staged plays to entertain the guests and they also distributed pamphlets.