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Bad weather caused accident

Danie van der Berg passed away the same weekend that another motorbike accident took the life a husband to be.

Danie was found in a riverbed on the way to Bronkhorstspruit on Monday afternoon February 3. He went missing after leaving work at Highveld Steel the day before.

According to his parents who live in eMalahleni he was concerned about the growing dark clouds on the horizon and wanted to get home before the bad weather hit. He left work a bit earlier than usual but they suspect he might have met the storm halfway back to Bronkhorstspruit where he lives with his wife.

By Sunday night there had been no word from him and so his father and their pastor and family went looking for him until the early hours of Monday morning and again when the sun came up.

Only by Monday afternoon did the family get a phone call with the tragic news. It seems he somehow lost control of his bike and went over the bridge into the riverbed where he apparently died on impact due to a broken neck.

The owner of the land saw the lights of his bike but assumed it was quad riders that regularly ride their but when he passed that way again Monday afternoon and still saw the light he went to have a closer look and discovered what happened to him.
“He was always friendly, and loving. If you needed help he was there for you,” said Lalie van de Berg his mother. “Losing a mother or father is sad, but losing a child, I can’t even explain how bad it is, but I know he is in heaven, I just know it,” she concluded solemnly.

He leaves behind his wife Anusca Botha and children, siblings, and parents who will miss him greatly. His family would like to thank everyone who supported them and assisted them in making this time easier. His funeral was held on Thursday February 6 at the AGS Oasis Church that was full as people came to pay their respects.

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