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The shroud of darkness

Are you equipped for the impending darkness? Eight hours a day without electricity makes a person feel very powerless.

If you smiled at that one then you will be all right. If however you thought that joke was tasteless and frankly a little dumb, then I got some news for you. This whole story with Eskom is probably not going to go away anytime soon.
Personally I am going to take the down time to practise my puns and maybe read some books. Invest in a couple of good sturdy flashlights, and candles, make sure all the gas bottles are all filled up and maybe even a small generator if it is necessary.

The mental preparation has been more difficult but it must be done, Brian is a stickler for old habits and they die hard because he has them hooked up to life support up here in my skull. One of the things I have to let go of is our uncapped Wi-Fi, like being strapped to a stretcher in the middle of a desert island. If that sounds a bit unhealthy maybe that’s because it is. That is also the reason my optimism is so important. If I don’t keep a positive attitude, Brian will get a restraining order against me for abuse since banging my head against the wall will be the only alternative.

If Brian had a new brain cell every time I said, “This is the last straw!” I would be Einstein by now, yet here I am still on my own two feet somehow.
We need to stay positive, but I would like to think that we can all reserve a little optimism for our fair city. Hey, she’s not perfect but it would be nice to think that it is going to get better eventually.
I know this is not the most political, or analytical opinion ever to exist, but Brian uses just as much oxygen as any other brains on the job so I guess we are entitled to it. Now to finish off with a horribly overused cliché… um… Aha, I got it, here goes. Turn that frown upside down… nailed it.

At Caxton, we employ humans to generate daily fresh news, not AI intervention. Happy reading!
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