
Increased drug peddling concerns residents

Owing to the Richards Bay taxi rank upgrade, drug peddling has increased in the area

ALLEGED drug peddling behind the Richards Bay Taxi Rank has raised concern among residents.

According to them, the renovations have made it easier for drug users to go about their business without being spotted by the police.

‘They hide between the shacks built behind the rank next to the railway line. They smoke whoonga and dagga in broad daylight. I am always fearful that I will be mugged,’ said one angry female resident.

The Crime Stats SA report revealed that drug related crimes have increased dramatically in the area compared to any other year since 2004.

House robberies, theft and sexual assault were the most common drug related crimes stated in the report.

Richards Bay SAPS spokesperson, Capt Debbie Ferreira, said that no case of drug peddling had been reported, however she urged residents to contact the police about any crime activities happening in the area.


  1. We are community leaders daily helping families affected by drug and alcohol abuse. There are known drug peddling houses in the city but continue to sell these substances with no fear of the law. What is the police doing about this and how can we help to shut the doors of these houses and stop these people from selling drugs.

  2. What happened to crime prevention? Must someone first be harmed or die before something gets done? Nothing new.

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