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GALLERY: Reports of fatality at Isithebe protest denied

Paramedics and police have denied reports of fatalities during violent protest action in Isithebe near Mandeni

REPORTS surfacing on social media of fatalities during this mornings’ protests in Isithebe have been denied.

Numerous sources online have claimed that a security guard died, however, police and emergency response teams say nothing has been reported to them.

Dylan Meyrick of IPSS Medical Rescue confirmed that had treated some patients earlier this morning for head injuries, but no fatalities.

A number of businesses have suffered damage and several trucks and cars were torched.

Police have reportedly taken around 50 protestors into custody so far, but have yet to charge them.

Conflicting reports over the reason behind the protest have also surfaced, including the community’s dissatisfaction with two new iNdunas appointed as well as objections over new municipal demarcations.

These reports have not yet been verified and authorities are urging residents to avoid the area as the protest action continues to escalate.

Public Order Police units from Empangeni and Durban have been deployed in the area.

Gallery photos courtesy of IPSS Medical Rescue.

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