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Elections 2024: Voters reminded to check where you are registered

IEC reminds voters they may only vote where they are registered, and commends successful voting abroad

With just a few days to go before South Africans cast their ballots, the IEC has urged voters to check their registration details and confirm the location of their correct voting stations ahead of election day.

This as the commission re-emphasises that no one will be allowed to vote at a voting station at which they are not registered.

ALSO READ: Elections 2024: Special voting days at hand

“The general principle is that voters may only vote at a voting station at which they are not registered if they have pre-notified the commission.

“The period of pre-notification closed on Friday, 17 May.

“With capturing yet to be completed, indications are that at least 387 000 voters have pre-notified the commission of their intention to vote at another identified voting station. These voters will cast their ballots on 29 May,” said the IEC.

ALSO READ: Elections 2024: Threats to disrupt elections condemned

Ahead of the official election day on Wednesday, thousands of registered voters who submitted applications to cast their vote on special days, will do so on Monday, 27 May and Tuesday, 28 May.

In King Cetshwayo District, 12 816 people applied to cast their ballots during home visits, while 10 817 are expected at polling stations on the special voting days.

“Special votes are by their nature designed to ensure special measures are put in place to make certain that citizens who would otherwise not be able to vote have opportunities to do so,” said the IEC.

This past weekend the electoral commission facilitated voting by around 78 000 citizens at 111 South African missions across the world.

These included Zululanders who queued at various missions to cast their votes.

Check your registration details and confirm the location of your voting station:

• Online at www.elections.org.za/pw/Voter/Voter-Information
• SMS ID number to 32810
• Contact centre on 0800 11 8000
• The IEC APP downloadable from AppStore


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