

Seven different ways to record your pregnancy

Pregnancy is an exciting time filled with amazing moments which leave you in awe of the little life growing inside you...

Infancy 0-2

Breastfeeding difficulties and how to work around them

Breastfeeding is a wonderful way to bond with your baby not to mention that it is very healthy for your tot...

Toddlers 2-6

Ten ways to make potty training easy

It’s an exciting time as your toddler moves away from diapers to becoming more independent as potty training begins...

Tweens 7-12

Five fun party ideas for tweens

Tweens love to stand out from the crowd and the best way to have them become the talk of the town...

Teens 13-18

How to boost your teen’s self confidence

Make it a point to give your daughter a compliment about her appearance, style of dressing, hairdo...

Funny Videos

Video Blog

Here we have the funniest, cutest and most adorable videos of children doing the most funny things...

Creating a Soothing Bedtime Routine For Toddlers

If you haven't already, now is a great time to establish a bedtime routine for your toddler.
Not only does a routine ease the transition from being awake to being asleep, it also gives mom and dad some time to relax and spend quality time together at the end of the day.

Get Your Body Baby Ready

The best way to give your baby the best start in life is to get your body baby ready, before trying to conceive. Not only will this increase your chances of getting pregnant, it will also set you up for a healthy pregnancy.

Teaching Your Children About Strangers

Children see strangers every day in stores, in the park, and in their neighbourhoods. Most of these strangers are nice, normal people, but a few may not be.

Debt Free Todlers

You’ve made it through pregnancy, the birth of your child and have adjusted to life as a parent, and all that goes with it. This includes the cost associated with the new member of the family.

Interesting Facts About Children

Fact 1: On average, at what age does a child begin to use a microwave? 7Years Old
Fact 2: At What age does a boy's voice becoming louder thatn 200 adults in a crowded restaurant? 3Years Old
Fact 3: At what age does a child's kneecaps turn bony? 3Years Old
Fact 4: At what age is a child at greatest risk of crushing or burning injuries to the hand? 6Years Old

Source: 10 Facts About

Strap Your Baby

With the winter school holiday season here, the Motor Industry Workshop Association (MIWA) urges parents to invest in car seats for their children and to strap them in when on the road.
Vishal Premlall, director of MIWA, pointed out to parents that if you have a collision at 50kph with a baby on your lap, the child will be hurled through the windscreen with an impact similar to that of falling from a three-storey window or being hit by a 3.5 tonne elephant.
Alternatively the child will be crushed against the dashboard by the force of your body weight which is 30 times heavier at the moment of impact.
“The fact is that it is against the law not to strap your child in. According to the 22nd National Road Traffic Amendment published in May 2015, children under the age of three are required to be strapped into a car seat. Besides the threat of a fine, should a driver be caught with a child not buckled in, the reality of what can happen to a child in the event of an accident should motivate drivers to do the right thing,” he said.
Over and above that the majority of brain damage cases in children under the age of five are directly related to injuries sustained during car accidents.

Stats On Drivers Who Do Not Use Car Seats

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