
Silwerkroon residents have been heard.

Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality responds to the concerns of the Silwerkroon residents.

ALBERTON – Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality (EMM) released a statement in response to the queries of residents at the Silwerkroon flats in Raceview.

RECORD reported that the residents’ complaints about the upkeep and management of the building was falling on deaf ears.

‘Somebody must hear us’

Tenants had reported problems with the upkeep and maintenance of the building and the pavement outside of the flats to the building’s caretaker. The residents were unsatisfied with the responses they received from both the Silwerkroon caretaker and the local Ekurhuleni housing office.

The EMM statement reads: “Kindly be informed that Mr. Willie Jacobs is the caretaker of the complex and tenants are correct to report to him first. Silwerkroon tenants were informed, in a formal meeting, that if they don’t receive satisfactory responses from the caretaker of the complex they can report their complaints directly to the acting regional manager Lerato Mabena on 011 999 2488.

Tenants have the right to form a residents’ committee as long as the EMM human settlements department is informed about the committee and how such a committee was formed. The two washing machines will be attended to within the new financial year which commenced on July 1, 2015.

The department has general workers employed to clean the complex and their work performance will be monitored. The department has not as yet appointed a cleaning and gardening service contractor but quotations will be called for to ensure that the garden is cleaned.

If loiterers, who are sitting outside the flats, are a nuisance, the matter should be reported to the Ekurhuleni Metro Police.”

As council owned public rental housing, units at Silwerkroon are rented to pre-qualified applicants and are designated as retirement units. Tenants of Silwerkroon are over the age of 60, self-caring and usually pensioners who earn less than R4 000 per month.

Blessing blankets for Silwerkroon

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