Anti Bullying

Christian Brothers’ College


The boys, parents and staff of Christian Brothers’ College Boksburg, stand together against bullying in all its forms, committed by any person who seeks to have power  over another  by intimidation, belittlement, mocking and physical acts of violence.

If an incidence of unacceptable behaviour of one learner towards another is identified, Christian Brothers’ College Boksburg applies its Code of Conduct and Disciplinary Procedures in a progressive manner to achieve “restorative justice”. This helps the wrong-doer to recognize and understand the negative impact of poor behaviour, in order to restore a positive outlook for him and any learner towards whom his negativity has been directed.

CBC Boksburg Is a Catholic day school for boys from

Years 000 to 12 (Matric) with weekly Senior Boarding from Years 8 t12 (Matric).

St Dominics


Teach your child what to do in a bullying situation

 Calling for help is a good option. However, they first need to get out of the pres­ence of the bully, which is often difficult.

They can learn to say: “I don’t like the way you treat me. I am going to leave right now!”.

We need to teach our children that they can defend or stand up for themselves in a way they feel comfortable, but that does not involve copying any bul­lying behaviour.

There are several other techniques children learn in Life Orientation at school which they can utilise, like the ‘broken record’ tech­nique, for example. In this technique, someone who is being bullied says the same thing over and over again, like a stuck record. They de­cide what they want or don’t want and make it into a short statement, calmly repeating it over and over.

This repetition helps the person to stand their ground in the face of the other per­son’s arguments. Familiarise yourself with these types of techniques and practise them with your child.

Consult directly with the school to work together in addressing this issue, espe­cially if it is always the same child who is bullying others.

Teach your child not to be a passive bystander in a bullying situation. Bullying will not continue in most schools and institutions if the bystanders take action.

Advocate for an anti-bullying policy at your child’s school that involves teach­ers, children and parents, as well as practical procedures to follow.

Hans Moore


Do’s and don’ts if your child is the victim of bullies

What is bullying?

According to Dr Dan Olweus, a research professor of psychology from Norway who is considered the pio­neer in bullying research, the definition of bullying is when a person is exposed, repeat­edly and over time, to nega­tive actions on the part of one or more other persons, and has difficulty defending him/herself.


  • Discuss the definition of bullying with your child.

  • Empower them to think about and handle conflict situations and occasional rudeness from other children effectively. This will empower them to handle bullying situ­ations more confidently.

  • Build your child’s self-worth continuously to curb a feeling of inferiority.

  • Let your positive atten­tion and feedback shape their sense of ‘who’ they are.

  • Build your child’s emo­tional resilience: they need to know how to deal effectively with difficult circumstances and the emotions as a result thereof. We cannot assume they will never go through difficult times.

  • To prevent a belief in your child that they are a victim, help them to think of and do things that are within their control. For example, where to play, places to avoid, etc.


  • Go directly to the bully to sort it out.

  • Tell your child how bad the school is. Your child should be able to feel safe enough to approach a teacher for assistance.

  • Tell your child to fight back – two wrongs do not make a right.

  • Tell your child to walk away – he/she first needs to get out of the immediate harmful situation success­fully.

(Information from: Maris­sa Jordaan, social worker at Kidz Clinic Boksburg. For more information or assistance with bullying-related issues, con­tact her on 011 892 0404 or email

The Bus stop – An Anti-Bullying Short Film

Watch Below

School of Transformation


Be a hero, stop a bully, It’s not enough to say it, do it.

This is for us

Our friends today

And our friends tomorrow

We think being mean stinks

 We won’t watch someone get picked on

 We are “Do Something” people

 Not “Do Nothing” people

We care

We are being the change

Bullying bothers us

We know sticking up for someone is the right thing to do

We are School of Transformation

And we won’t stand by it…We will stand up!

DR. E.G. Jansen


Signs to look out for

Any changes in your child’s behaviour, including but not limited to eating habits, sleeping patterns, wearing of clothes, emo­tional expression and mood changes, disinterest in school and/or a drop in marks.

Your child telling you that they don’t want to/can’t go to school.

Constant complaints about the same child(ren) being nasty to them.

Laerskool Van Dyk


Finding help

Teachers and friends should be the first line of defence in bullying.

Bullying entails different forms of abuse and can be reported to SAPS or a welfare organisation if the school does not do anything about it.

Kidz Clinic Boksburg can assist with the necessary therapy/counselling to over­come thoughts and feelings as a result of being bullied.

Life Skills programmes for children, focusing on asser­tiveness, emotional resilience and conflict management, are available by attending sessions or via books, toolkits and articles on the internet.

School of Transformation


Excelsior Academic College


Sunward Christian Academy


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