On the spot with the metro – Pretoria Road
There is no budget to continue the rehabilitation of Pretoria Road.

Benoni City Times asks … Why is Pretoria Road in such a state?
Restoration and repair works date back to 2016 yet the millions of rands and years spent seem to have yielded little to be proud of.
There are potholes, especially between Miles Sharp Street and Malherbe Road, poor to no road markings, dangerous lane changes and uneven surfaces to contend with.
We all know the volume of traffic Pretoria Road carriers.
What’s the plan?
Zweli Dlamini, metro spokesperson, responds:
The entire reconstruction designs of Pretoria Road have been completed. Reconstruction of Pretoria Road from Vlei Road to Robinson Road have been completed. Pretoria Road from Vlei to Springs Road and Robinson to the N12 are still outstanding and due for reconstruction.
However, no funds were allocated this financial year (2023/2024) or in forthcoming years (2024/2025).
In the meantime, the roads department will continue doing maintenance of patching until the road is reconstructed.
We already started patching on January 24. Patching and road marking is an ongoing process.
ALSO READ: Pretoria Road roadworks bad for business
ALSO READ: Delayed roadworks in Pretoria Road causing businesses a headache