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DSD subsidy issue forces child welfare to close its doors for a month

During the temporary closure of the organisation, all individuals in need of assistance are encouraged to contact the DSD Benoni office at 011 748 7600.

The Greater Benoni Child Welfare will temporarily suspend its services from April 1 until further notice due to non-payment of its subsidy from the Department of Social Development (DSD).

According to Vanessa Carelse, the director of child welfare, DSD has indicated that it will only communicate its decision on its funding application at the end of April.

“We are not in a position to continue offering services, especially as the DSD has made it clear that funding is not guaranteed.

“Services will stop on March 31. Despite our diligent efforts to secure funding to sustain our operations and continue serving the community, we have not yet received confirmation from the DSD that our application was received or whether it has been successful.

“Consequently, we are unable to fulfil our obligations to our beneficiaries effectively. The inability to finalise the service level agreement with DSD means that we cannot continue our services.”

Vanessa Carelse, director of the Greater Benoni Child Welfare.

Carelse added they will deal with current cases and run the office at a reduced capacity in April but cannot assist new clients as a result of the uncertainty about the subsidy.

Child welfare’s safe haven for children, Colin House, also did not receive funding.

“The home will continue to operate and render its services to the children in our care. We will do our best to ensure everything runs normally as we don’t want to cause any disruption for the children,” Carelse explained.

“We don’t know what our funding will look in future. There are rumours that funding has been decreased.”
The situation has caused angst among child welfare staff, who, Carelse said, are mostly single mothers.

“They are nervous and anxious about what the future holds. Staff will receive their salaries for April, which we will pay from our savings fund, but after that, they may not be guaranteed of having a job.

“We deeply regret any inconvenience the suspension of services may cause to our beneficiaries and the wider community.”

During the temporary closure of the organisation, all individuals in need of assistance are encouraged to contact the DSD Benoni office on 011 748 7600.

The DSD will be able to provide alternative support and guidance until such time child welfare can resume its services.

“We hope the matter will be resolved swiftly so that we can continue the work we’ve been doing – protecting the rights of children and the community – for the past 100 years,” Carelse said.

For more information contact Vanessa Carelse on 011 849 5241. The Benoni City Times is awaiting comment from the DSD.

Also Read: Support the Benoni Child Welfare charity shop

Also Read: FOLLOW-UP: Benoni Child Welfare hopes to reopen soon


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