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Nurse retires after 42 years

She began practicing in 1980.

Sister Renelle Bosman from Life The Glynnwood Hospital has retired from a career that spanned more than four decades.

Bosman retired on December 30 after a career that began in 1980. She studied general nursing and midwifery at JG Strijdom Hospital and BG Alexander College.

Bosman started in orthopaedic casualty and, in 1994, moved to the neonatal unit, where she remained until her retirement.

The hospital’s marketing and communications officer, Bonnie Whiffler, thanked Bosman for her dedication and years of service.

“Sister Renelle Bosman’s passion for healthcare is inspiring to patients and colleagues. Her vast knowledge in neonatal care has trained many nurses, not to mention the contributions she’s made to various protocols within Life Healthcare.

“Life The Glynnwood thanks Sister Renelle for imparting skills, while encouraging those around her to express their love for their work in their unique style. We wish her well as she embarks on new adventures. She will always be part of the Life Healthcare family,” said Whiffler.

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