LETTER: Keep your dog on a leash
Send your Letter to the Editor to benonicitytimes@caxton.co.za.
Amelia Stiglingh-Grose writes:
We took our two big dogs to Homestead Dam for a walk recently. We keep them on strong leashes and have had no issues until this day.
A family with a medium-sized dog decided it was a good idea to have their dog off a leash, only for the dog to try to attack a family and then run a good 100m to attack our two dogs.
One of our dogs gripped him by the neck. Luckily, my husband managed to get our dog’s mouth open and the other dog released.
The owner didn’t bother to run and help. She refused to take the dog to the vet as, and I quote, ‘It’s not my problem. It’s my daughter’s dog, and she needs to get rid of it anyway’. This is unacceptable.
“If you are a dog owner and don’t want to care for your dogs, you shouldn’t have a dog. You should know that your dog should always be on a leash in a public place.
“To this lady at Homestead, you are setting a bad example for your children because you are being a horrible, useless dog owner. I hope the dog survives because, unfortunately, the injuries were severe.
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