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World Cat Day: Five ways to recharge if you’re ’feline’ low

Follow a cat’s example on how to practise self-care and unwind.

ARE you looking for a reason to celebrate today? We have the puur-fect excuse – today is International Cat Day – a day set aside to celebrate our feline friends.

Here are five ways to recharge – as told by cats.

Take a catnap

Cats know when to take a nap. There’s no need to clear your whole afternoon – a catnap is a short period of sleep during the day. This has been said to sharpen memory and improve focus.  

Stock Image: Pixabay.

Ask for help

If a cat is hungry, the whole house will know. They may be small, but their ‘meows’ are loud. If you’re feeling fatigued, it might be time to ‘meow’ about it.

Stock Image: Pixabay.

ALSO READ: #HAPPYDAY: Food glorious food

There’s always time for self-care

Have you ever noticed that a cat has no qualms with interrupting anything and everything for a quick bath? It might be time to take a leaf, or a lick, out of their book. You might not be able to pull out the bath bomb during your lunch break, but you can make time for a coffee break and a little self-care.

Stock Image: Pixabay.

Find joy in simple things

One of the best ways to recharge is to introduce a fun activity into your week. Consider how a cat can find endless entertainment in a simple piece of yarn. Is there something simple that can add a little adventure to your week?

Stock Image: Pixabay.

It’s OK to be grumpy

Cats can be aloof. Memes have been written about it, and families have been divided into cat people and dog people. They might not be considered man’s best friend, but cats are OK with it, and you can be, too.

Stock Image: Pixabay.


ALSO READ: Musgrave animal lover seeks home for stray cats

On a serious note…

International Cat Day was created in 2002 by the International Fund for Animal Welfare. In 2020, the custodianship of International Cat Day passed to International Cat Care, a not-for-profit British organisation that has been striving to improve the health and welfare of domestic cats worldwide.

Here are a few Durban organisations dedicated to caring for cats:

Cats of Durban provides access to discounted sterilisation for stray and feral cats. For more information, email: admin@catsofdurban.co.za.

St Francis Carers of Abused and Abandoned Feral Cats feeds and takes care of 70 abandoned and abused feral cats.

The Durban & Coast SPCA rescues abused and neglected domestic animals. For more information, email: info@spcadbn.org.za.


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