
How to make the most out of your next hunting trip with dry ice

A hunting trip can be rewarding with well preserved meat. This is how dry ice can assist in achieving this.

Dry ice for hunting

Hunting is a popular pastime in South Africa, a way for friends to bond and often an important means of sourcing quality, free range game meat. Learning to hunt successfully takes years of practice, and the hunting trip itself can often be long, arduous, and difficult.

That said, hunting is a thrilling activity, and most hunters come away with exciting stories about their long stalk and successful shot. Hunting a big game antelope successfully is only the first step, however, as the meat must then be prepared and stored for the trip home.

After all that blood, sweat and tears, there is nothing worse than coming back from your trip only to discover that your meat has all been spoiled. It’s a tragedy and a waste. This is where dry ice comes in.

Hunters  did you know that dry ice is the best way to preserve your meat both during and after your hunt? Read on to learn more about the fantastic benefits of using dry ice for hunting.

Why you should use dry ice on your next hunting trip

If you enjoy hunting and want to keep your game meat fresh and your meals and drinks cool, dry ice is an absolute must.

When it comes to long-term meat storage, dry ice is a simple and effective solution. Dry ice should be placed in a cooler box or other transportable container, where it will keep the temperature stable, extending the amount of time that your meat will remain safe to eat without deteriorating.

If you want to have your hard-earned meat for many meals to come, you should bring dry ice with you the next time you go hunting.

What exactly is dry ice?

Dry ice is a solidified form of carbon dioxide that has a temperature of -78.5°C. It is an excellent cooling agent that will keep your meat at the proper temperature during shipping and storage. Unlike regular ice, dry ice does not dissolve into water, making it ideal for use in coolers and travel containers.

Dry ice is used in numerous  industries and for different recreational purposes – for example, dry ice blasting is a proven method of cleaning delicate industrial equipment.

Where can one get dry ice and how can it be stored?

Dry Ice International understands the significance of meat preservation for hunters. You want to maintain the exceptional quality of your game meat after all that effort.

Dry ice from Dry Ice International is of the highest quality, ensuring that your meat stays fresher for a longer period. Dry ice comes in several sizes and volumes, letting you choose the finest option for your specific hunting needs.

In terms of the best way to store dry ice, Dry Ice International sells polystyrene disposable containers that are perfect for storing dry ice and refreshments for your next hunting expedition. There are numerous reasons why you would be interested in using polystyrene to transport dry ice and food:

  • Polystyrene is a versatile material.
  • Cold and hot foods and beverages are kept at the same temperature in polystyrene containers.
  • Paper requires more resources than polystyrene.
  • Polystyrene is an excellent insulator.
  • It’s safe to transport food in polystyrene.
  • Since polystyrene boxes come in a wide range of sizes and shapes, it’s simple to pack different items to your specifications.
  • Polystyrene has shock-absorbing capabilities and can shield goods from damage while being transported.

Next time you go hunting, do not forget dry ice.

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