Stop rhino poaching
Environmental Affairs say more 700 rhinos killed by poachers.

eMBALENHLE – Themba Mokoena and Kgomotso Skosana, Grade 7 pupils from Zamokuhle Primary School, fear that if rhino poaching does not stop, future generations will not know these animals.
They won the rhino poaching art competition organised by Ms Yolandie Odendaal from Web Maiden Expedition.
Themba own a bicycle and Kgomotso a rhino teddy bear and their art work discourages people from killing rhinos.
Ms Odendaal said they are getting children involved in the fight against rhino poaching by using their creative skills.
Laerskool Kruinpark was the first school to take part in the children’s art project and Dian Odendaal, a Grade 2 pupil, became a rhino ambassador.
Ms Odendaal said the number of rhinos killed by poachers in South Africa has increased.
The Environmental Affairs said more than 700 rhinos had been killed by poachers as of the end of September, exceeding the annual record of 668 set last year.
They said if this trend is kept at the current pace, more than 1 000 rhinos would be killed next year.
Rhino horns are used as dagger handles in the Middle Eastern country of Yemen, while in the Far East the horn is prized for its medicinal purposes.