Col F.B. Motubane
Station Commander: Ermelo
The festive season is upon us and one tends to look back on the past year, assessing achievements and failures.
I would like to thank the community of Ermelo for their support during 2013.
Numerous successes regarding the combat and investigation of crime as well as the successful prosecution of offenders would not have been possible without the input of the community.
Keep in mind that criminals rarely take holiday breaks. Please remain alert and help us to make the festive season unbearable for criminals in Ermelo.
Take the necessary precautionary measures to protect your family and your property.
Be the perfect neighbour, keep an eye on your neighbour’s property and report any suspicious persons to the police or neighbourhood watch.
If you go on holiday, please ask friends or neighbours to stay in your house or regularly visit, removing mail or turning on lights in the evening.
Please have your vehicle checked before leaving for vacation.
Remain alert at your holiday destination as well – don’t give criminals the opportunity to spoil your holiday.
Always remember that a vehicle is not a safe place to leave firearms, cameras, laptops, cellular phones, purses, Christmas shopping or cash.
Never leave children or animals unattended in a vehicle – keep in mind that it is dangerous to their health and incidents have occurred where criminals stole vehicles, with children still in the vehicle.
In conclusion, my wish for you is a peaceful and blessed Christmas and a prosperous 2014.