Lahee Park BC celebrates golden years
Join in the festivities as Lahee Park Bowling Club celebrates their golden anniversary.

To celebrate their golden anniversary, Lahee Park Bowling Club will have a fete and craft market on Friday 9 August from 8am to 3pm and everyone is invited to help them celebrate the club’s special day.
The club was established on 15 August 1963 when 23 people assembled in the old Lahee Park Club where they agreed to establish a bowling section.
Lahee Park BC president, Dave Lindsay said, “the colours of our club were registered as green, yellow, blue and black which represented the four field sports being played, cricket, rugby, hockey and the newcomer, bowls.
“The Shamrock shown on our badge indicated the Irish descent of the Lahee family who left the park to the Pinetown residents as a sports and recreational area.
“There are only three active bowlers of that era now, Wendy and Lionel Armitage and Dave Alborough.
“The first green was laid by the late Jack Purvis and over the next 20 years, two more greens were built, such was the popularity of the game.
“Paging through the minutes of past meetings, one is struck forcibly by the generosity of the Pinetown Council, the ready assistance of its staff members, and the numerous firms and individuals whose financial assistance at all times has helped the club,” he said.
The club has produced some successful bowlers such as Colleen Grondein, a Springbok bowler who, together with a squad of deaf and disabled bowlers such as Rob Burnett, Eileen Burnett, Vernon Clements, D McDonald and Mandy Sargeant, brought the club world bowl medals.
“There are many other club members who have brought the Club South African District Honours.
“Bowls is definitely a game for all ages, men and women, it serves the entire community and it is very sociable game with a very strong competitive following,” said Lindsay.
On Friday 9 August Lahee Park do not only promise a family fun day, people will also have an opportunity to see what the bowling club have to offer as well as a chance to roll a few woods on the club greens.
This event will also help the club with much needed funds.