Motorist dies in fatal accident
A man died in Botha's Hill after he lost control of his vehicle

A MAN lost his life in the early hours of the morning after he lost control of his bakkie on the Main Road in Botha’s Hill near the Comrades wall on Thursday 8 August.
The vehicle had rolled numerous times before coming to a stand on the road. ER24 Hillcrest and EMRS were called to the scene immediately and found the man still trapped inside the vehicle and in a critical condition. The fire department used the Jaws of Life and other rescue equipment to cut the vehicle open and removed the patient from the wreckage while the paramedics had already started medical treatment on the patient.
Unfortunately moments after the man was set free his condition deteriorated and Advanced Life Support intervention and CPR was performed. Despite all efforts by the paramedics, the man died on the scene due to the injuries he had sustained. The necessary authorities were on the scene and would investigate the accident further.