
Driver warns of wreckless driver

Elderly driver harasses woman motorist in Hillcrest.

Editor – On Friday evening the 12.7.2013 at about 8.05pm I was driving back from Kloof after dropping my daughter off there when along Old Main Road Hillcrest just after Heritage House robots two cars were racing each other.

A white car in the left lane and dark BMW burgundy or brown in the right lane. I got caught at this set of robots before Oxford and again by Woolies / Oscars and these two cars had disappeared. When I got to Checkers robot by the under cover parking there was a white car in front of me with their hazard lights on. My thoughts were that they had forgotten them on or they were a security company.

At the next set of robots Hospital / Inanda Road intersection we caught the red again with this white car with hazard lights still on. He waited for the crossing traffic to clear and then went through the red robot. This then eased my mind that it was a security car. Next set of robots we caught red again with this car still in front of me with hazard lights going. Just after we crossed this intersection he moved to the left lane and I thought he must be going to go up Knelsby Avenue or Montrose Road and overtook the car.

Not thinking anymore about this car I proceeded down to Kassier Road Old Main Road towards Botha’s Hill. Taxis and other cars overtook me so I got caught with this robot red as well and stopped. Next this white car with hazard lights came fast past me and swerved in front of me and blocked my access to drive forward when the lights changed.

I put my car into reverse and locked the door feeling a little threatened by this. Next a thin elderly white man gets out the car and comes to my drivers window so I wind the window down thinking he must be lost or needing help with his car. When he got to my window he started shouting at me saying I was driving too fast and that I am an intelligent woman and don’t I know it is a 60km zone. I repeatedly said to him I was not travelling fast as other cars and taxis had also passed me getting to this robot and the taxi had got through the robot.

He then got back into his car and went through the red robot. I hooted at him letting him know he had gone through the red robot. He parked on the other side of the robot still hazard lights going and waited. I was now quiet nervous about getting home. I thought knowing Old Main Road and going up the hill I should be able to shake him off and get home.

It was more difficult than I thought as he kept up with me and was trying to cut me off all the way up the hill. He was going on the right and the left of me even when we came to the single lane still trying to block me. I kept going trying to get to the Total Garage near Kearsney College to be in a lit area with lots of people round me. I raced in to the garage and parked and he over shot this entrance and parked by the furniture shop and then reversed and came to the garage and got out and came into the shop shouting at me.

I then tried to get hold of my husband to come to the garage to help with this man shouting at me. Next he was on the other side of the isle and said to me “smile for the camera.” I looked up to see what he was doing and he took a photo of me.

I eventually got my husband to come up to the garage and gave him the registration number and make of the vehicle. As I went to the back of his car he got into the car and tried to reverse into me while I was trying to get the make of the car and left. I was too shaken to drive home without my husband escorting me home in case he appeared again. It was a white small vehicle NU104972

Please tell every one if they see this car to be careful even though he is elderly. If anyone else has had this happen to them by this man please let me know as I am going in to the police station to report it tomorrow. He wears a light brown felt hat as well.


Botha’s Hill

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