Do you have friends?
If your answer is yes, you will know how blessed you are. If the answer is no, you will know the pain of loneliness. With eight billion people on Earth, connectivity at an all-time high.
But universally, young and old suffer from feeling lonely more than ever.
God created us to be part of a family, a tribe, a nation. It is important for us to belong. My existence was enhanced by having a family and friends.
But even I, at times, have felt alone, isolated and afraid. I know the pain of feeling alone in a crowd.
Yes, I know what advice you would give. Just get up, get out and mix. The truth is that often when we experience loneliness, we tend to withdraw even more.
Rejection, betrayal and disappointment drive many of us into our shells. At first this may may feel like the right thing to do, but over time you may become a recluse, a hermit showing some antisocial behaviour.
The good news is, you are not alone. Every one of us can get the support we need. Yes, there are some bad people in the world, but there are many good people waiting to be a friend.
Think about it – you are blessed to be a friend and to have friends.
“What a friend we have in Jesus … ”
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