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SPCA worried about the rising number of abandoned animals

GLEN AUSTIN – The Midrand SPCA calls on members of the community, especially pet owners, to make plans for their animals as they go on holiday.

The Midrand SPCA reported that cases of cruelty to animals are on the rise in the precinct.

The SPCA established that members of the public were becoming more aggressive, violent, and confrontational with far less respect for the law.

The general manager at the SPCA, Pam Pretorius, told Midrand Reporter that they have also seen a drastic increase in unwanted and abandoned animals and expect more as many people go on holiday and far out of town.

Pretorius said the SPCA experienced this trend earlier this year. “We ask people to rather hand in the animals to the SPCA; we won’t judge them – rather than advertising those [animals] on social media or giving them free to good homes because these animals fall into unscrupulous hands.

“If you are a pet owner and do not want to give away your animals to us or away, either put them into reputable boarding or ensure that they have reputable house pet sitters with references showing they can care for animals.”

Pretorius added that they have had to attend to rescues because of animals having been left alone. So far they have had to break down a wall to rescue a kitten, and in another case, a feral kitten was stuck in an electrical box.

“One cat was found stuck in the bonnet of a car in the engine. We were also called out for two adult dogs and four puppies that had become extremely aggressive from fear in a school in Kaalfontein.”

She asked pet owners to leave their pet sitters with emergency vet numbers and if animals go missing, they should report to the local SPCA and vets in the area immediately.

Details: Midrand SPCA 011 265 9935.

 What do you do to make sure that your animal is taken care of when you go away from home for a while? Please share your thoughts on our social media platforms.

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