Why great bosses leave their egos at the door

carine hartman 2021

By Carine Hartman

Chief sub-editor

Respect isn’t earned; it’s a given. Good bosses know this, choosing kindness over ego, empowering teams with respect, and leading with humility.

They’ve got it all wrong: respect is not earned. It’s a given.

It’s the baseline of humanity; the basics of kindness.

If you can’t respect another human being, I know you kick your dog and probably hit your wife – or at the very least cheat on her.

I don’t want to hear about your little power position; the “my way or the highway”.

I don’t care if you’re a god in your own eyes: your clay feet are crumbling and I’ll cut you under the knees and rip out your tongue.

Never will you ever utter an unkind word to another human being.

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All you’ll be able to mouth is: “Sorry. Sorry.”

Because no human being deserves your – or any – disrespect.

We’re not the lowlifes you think we are.

We help you get into a tight corner with your car and deserve a nod and a thank you.

We washed your cup every morning and like to know you notice.

Nobody needs to be told you’re in charge of your own ego. We know you’re a Cyclops rolling his one eye.

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But we also know we’re in charge of our jobs, like you. Proudly.

Climbing the corporate ladder from the bottom rung doesn’t mean squashing all and sundry under your tiny shoes.

You’ll only ever reach the top with all and sundry’s hands lifting you right up to the top.

I know. I’ve worked with good bosses and thank them all – especially my present one.

A good boss has no ego and that’s why they’re on top: they have respect; giving me a star on my forehead when it is well-deserved; sending me to the naughty corner if not, but always reminding me of my value.

I always get that pat on the head, never a slap in the face.

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And that is what disrespect does to one: it stings – long after your unkind words.

So to all you would-be bosses, take a leaf out of those who are at the top and learnt the lesson: next time you puff up your inflated ego and talk down to anyone, remember this; you have lost all respect; mine and whomever you belittled…

May author Alison Malee teach you the best life lesson: Kindness.

What a simple way to tell another struggling soul that there is love to be found out there.

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