Categories: Courts
| On 3 years ago

Truck driver who fled accident scene after elderly couple killed to appear in court 

By News24 Wire

A Kimberley truck driver is expected to appear in court after a collision in Green Street on Friday morning in which two people died – one at the scene and the other in hospital.

Both victims were elderly, police spokesperson Captain Olebogeng Tawana said.

It is alleged that the truck driver ran away from the accident scene.

“Our preliminary investigation indicates that the truck driver drove into the vehicle of the deceased. After the accident, he failed to stop at the accident scene and fled on foot.

“The police had to chase after him and bring him back to the scene,” Tawana said.

The truck driver is expected to appear in the Kimberley Magistrate’s Court on Monday. He is facing two counts of culpable homicide.

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