Interface KZN boosts communication skills
Interface recently donated customised communication books to the Durban North based Action in Autism.
LOCAL non-profit organisation Interface KZN has taken one step towards promoting communication skills for people with little or no functional speech. Interface recently donated customised communication books to the Durban North based Action in Autism.
Interface KZN provides adults and children with little or no functional speech with a means to communicate through Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC). These are methods of communication used to compensate for the loss of speech and include gestures, pictures, computers and speech generating devices.
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Action in Autism is a lobbyist, support and fundraising non profit organisation for people with autism and their families. Their main objective is to improve the quality of life for people with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) and their caregivers by building partnerships between people with ASD, their families and the community to provide information, services, learning and research.
Action in Autism manager Kirsten Miller said, “Many of our children at the Action in Autism Early Intervention Centre are from families that cannot afford any private therapies or interventions.
“Interface’s contributions through their therapists Casey and Meg and the beautiful communication books they have produced for our children at no cost to Action in Autism have been an invaluable and a very special contribution to the lives our little ones.”
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According to Interface KZN speech difficulties may occur due to a head injury, a stroke or a degenerative condition while some children never develop proper speech.
Action in Autism on the other hand said over the years Autism has moved from being a rare condition.
“The children and adults who live with it make up a sector of our society that is unique and at the same time just like everybody else with their own hopes, fears and potential for the future. They are what we will allow them to be,” said the organisation.
The two organisations recognise the immense value of their partnership.
To know more about Action in Autism visit: http: // or for more on Interface KZN.