Dundee Courier

Dundee SPCA Committee rejects ‘on the brink of catastrophe notion’

"All costs, including salaries, veterinary expenses, and money required for the daily running of the SPCA, are funded by donations received from the community and fundraising only."

The Dundee and District SPCA committee says the SPCA has not been on the brink of catastrophe as per quotes in today’s Courier.

“While the SPCA is extremely grateful to FloTek for the generous food donation, valued at R18 000 towards us, we were not on the brink of catastrophe, as stated in the headline.
FloTek’s generosity did indeed assist us when food supplies were low. We are also extremely grateful to every other person who donates towards our appeal, even those who anonymously drop off items in the Pick ‘n Pay basket, ” said Dillin Clarke SPCA chairperson.

“Another point of contention is the statement that states that the NSPCA covers expenses like salaries.
This statement is incorrect as all costs, including salaries, veterinary expenses, and money required for the daily running of the SPCA, are funded by donations received from the community and fundraising only.
“We are eternally grateful to every sponsor, big or small, who speaks for those without voices with their selfless donations. Our charity shop, run by Patty Donaldson and her volunteers, plays a massive part in ensuring we cover expenses and still provide a service to the community.

“Sadly, we also do not receive any funding from the municipality in the form of Small Pound funding, which would assist us tremendously. The municipality has been approached numerous times regarding this funding, but all requests have been ignored.

“The increased operating costs have put a strain on our finances, but thanks to all donations and assistance we receive, we are able to be a voice for the voiceless. The SPCA also welcomes volunteers and members of the public who would like to join the committee to assist us in the running of the SPCA. We once again say Thank You to all of you who help the SPCA in any way, big or small.”

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