Dundee Courier

Sithembile, Glencoe, residents march on municipality

The group marched from Sithembile this morning to the municipal offices on Biggar Street.

Protesters from Sithembile have marched on Endumeni Municipality’s offices in Glencoe this morning.

SAPS are monitoring the situation. It is understood that the march was prompted after a power failure that has gone on for several days in Sithembile.

It is not clear if the power cut was caused by illegal connections as some who spoke to the Courier alleged.

Glencoe, and parts of Dundee, have also experienced constant water outages caused by leaking infrastructure and a drop in the water levels at the reservoirs caused by a fault at the Tayside pump station, according to Umzinyathi District Municpality.

At this stage, it appears as if no one from the municipality is on hand to speak to the marchers. The offices appear to be locked, witnesses told the Courier.

Burning tyres and stones have been placed on roads in Sithembile and some schools did not open.

According to the last Auditor General report, illegal connections and electricity theft cost Endumeni Municipality over R30 million a year.

Endumeni is said to owe Eskom R184-million although an arrangement has been made to pay off the debt.

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