A laugh a minute at hypnotist’s show
Shows performed by hypnotist, Aiden Powers, guarantee a laugh a minute.
It’s been years since hypnotist, Aiden Powers, performed in Newcastle. Yet, uncontrollable gales of laughter still burst out of guests who recall how he had members of the audience barking like dogs and trying to lay eggs.
Side-splitting hilarity as people are compelled to behave in the most outrageous way, is what residents can look forward to when Aiden Powers rolls into town for another mind-boggling performace on October 19.
This time he is being hosted by the Lions Club, who will donate all the money that is raised through ticket sales to leukaemia patient, Jos van de Linde, for his treatment.
Lions member, Angela Ferriera, explained how the idea to help Jos was born in the one place where people seek inspiration and meaning.
“My husband and I were sitting in church one Sunday, when the minister began talking about helping each other. While the Lions Club has some great community projects running through the year, it occurred to me that we really needed to do something that would make a big impact on one person’s life,” said Mrs Ferreira.
“I’ve known Jos all his life and, because he’s always lived in Newcastle, other members of the Lions knew him too. Things haven’t been easy for him since he was diagnosed with leukaemia and this our chance to really help an individual.”
Aiden Powers, an ambassador for CANSA, also performed when Lions President, Barbara Elliott, raised funds for a friend with cancer, in the past.
“This is such a worthy cause because you never know when cancer can strike your family. Jos is a young man with his whole life ahead of him and we hope to make a difference in his life. This is a cause that is close to my heart because my best friend died of cancer,” explained Ms Elliott.
“On a lighter note, the show is a laugh a minute and you will truly enjoy yourself.”Aiden Powers will perform two shows on October 19 at the Drakensberg Primary School hall, one at 5pm and another 8pm. Tickets can be purchased at R100 each from Angela (084 444 9229) or Leandri (072 430 4411).