Spraying of Vaal’s water lettuce and hyacinth commences
Rand Water added that the product had been successfully used on water hyacinth in various water bodies in South Africa for some time.
The spraying of hyacinth and water lettuce on the Vaal River with Kilomax 700 WSG, a powder/granulated product, commenced on 25 April. It followed after the Department of Water and Sanitation issued a revised general authorisation (GA) on 22 April.
Rand Water confirmed that the community had fully funded the first spraying phase. Upon Parys Gazette’s enquiry, the water utility said the Department of Forestry, Fisheries and Environmental Affairs, the registrar at DALRRD and, finally, the Department of Water Affairs and Sanitation had specifically chosen and approved the product, as the co-formulants are not potentially carcinogenic, as in some other products available on the market and used in SA.
Rand Water added that the product had been successfully used on water hyacinth in various water bodies in South Africa for some time.
In response to the Gazette’s questions, the water utility assured that registered pest control operators guide and supervise the spraying operations. The Departments of Water and Sanitation, and Forestry, Fisheries and Environmental Affairs were also involved and invited to observe the process.
A small amount of spraying has involved using a boat, while drones have carried out the majority. The boat focused on smaller mats, while the drone took care of the larger ones. The large mat spraying should be completed around 4 May. However, the prevailing weather conditions could influence the expected timing.
Earlier this year, the authorities suspended the spraying of glyphosate on the Vaal’s water lettuce following public concern.
Water lettuce is a poisonous and highly invasive free-floating freshwater weed found in water bodies and slow-moving waterways in warm regions.