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Bok-legendes kuier by rugbyklub

Onthou die rugbyklub se weeklikse oefening is Dinsdae om 18:00 vir 18:30 op Hoërskool Parys se rugbyveld.

Springbok-legendes Burger Geldenhuys Carel du Plessis en Richard Bands was Dinsdagaand die gaste by Parys-rugbyklub se jaarvergadering. By die vergadering is die jaarprogram gegee en ‘n komitee vir 2025 gekies.

Die klub speel 8 Februarie sy eerste wedstryd vir die jaar teen Potch Dorp in Viljoenskroon, en op 15 Februarie teen Elsburg op Elsburg se tuisveld. Daarna begin die ligawedstryde.

Oefening is Dinsdae om 18:00 vir 18:30 op Hoërskool Parys se rugbyveld.

Regs is Springbok-legendes Burger Geldenhuys, Richard Bands en Carel du Plessis, saam met NJ Oosthuizen (ondervoorsitter en hoofafrigter van Parys-rugbyklub), Marchell Hattingh (hulpafrigter) en Willie Bekker (klubvoorsitter).

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Liezl Scheepers

Liezl Scheepers is editor of the Parys Gazette, a local community newspaper distributed in the towns of Parys, Vredefort and Viljoenskroon. As an experienced community journalist in all fields for the past 30 years, she has a passion for her community, and has been actively involved in several community outreach projects as part of Parys Gazette's team.

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