
No visiting graves of loved ones on Christmas

A operations schedule for cemeteries in the Tshwane metro indicate that visits over the next few days would be limited while some days no visiting of graves will be allowed at all.

Those who planned to visit the graves of family and loved ones on Christmas day will be bitterly disappointed this year.

All the cemeteries under the control of the Tshwane metro in Pretoria will be closed on 25 and 26 December and also on 1 and 2 January 2015, the metro confirmed on Tuesday.

On Christmas Eve, 24 December, municipal cemeteries will only be open until 12h00.

The cemeteries will also only be open until noon from 27 December to 31 December and on 3 and 4 January next year.

Normal cemetery operations by Tshwane’s Cemetery Services Provision Management department would only resume on 5 January 2015.

“The City of Tshwane would like to apologise for the inconvenience caused,” a spokesman said, but no reason for the decision to close the facilities on a Christmas day, when many felt the need to visit the last resting place of loved ones, was given.

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