A daddy 24/7 is his fulfillment
NDAEDZO Neville Nethonzhe a s single father participated in Daddy 24/7

NDAEDZO Neville Nethonzhe is a senior bulletin writer at e News Channel Africa (eNCA), and he is also a single father who participated in Daddy 24/7, a television reality show based on the lives of four first-time fathers between the ages of 25 and 35 years, with their toddlers.
He is a classic example of a person who puts his mind to something and goes for it. He is a go getter, a hard worker and a proud father who believes that single fathers can also raise children.
Express spoke to him about his life.
Who is Ndaedzo Neville Nethonzhe?
I am a single father in my late 20s and a journalist by profession. I was born in Vuwani near Makhado. I have worked for various commercial radio stations in my career as a journalist. These include Jacaranda FM, Talk Radio 702 and Kaya FM.
What kind of child were you?
As a young child, I was generally very inquisitive and I liked reading newspapers. I wasn’t the naughty type, but I had a normal upbringing and had my “naughty moments” as a child. I loved the media industry from a very young age; I am sure I was 5 years old.
If you weren’t a journalist what would you like to be?
I would be a motivational speaker, which is something I would still love to do.
If you could live in some other place or time, where or when would it be?
I would love to live on an island, maybe the Seychelles or Mauritius. I like tropical areas.
What kind of music do you listen to?
I listen to most genres of music from kwaito to R&B but 70% of the music on my phone is gospel music.
If you had a R1 million windfall, how would you spend it?
R1 million is not a lot of money these days. I would take R100 000 and tithe it to my church. Then I would take a portion of it and give to the needy. I would also give my dad some to go on a holiday.
Although I am a huge fan of cars, I have learned that it is better to invest in property, so I’d probably buy a townhouse with the rest.
What is the most valuable lesson you’ve ever learned?
That you should never, ever intentionally hurt someone because life is a circle and has a way of making you feel what you made other feel.
Share your experiences as a single parent.
Being a single parent is not easy, especially as a father. You have to juggle between work, social and family life. When you want to date it is also difficult because you need to find someone who is understanding of your situation. It is a good learning curve though, and difficult as it maybe, it is the most fulfilling job in the whole wide world. My dad always says parenting is a free university, where you never stop learning.
What did you learn while participating in Daddy 24/7?
I learned that as much as we love our children, we should be strong enough to be firm and discipline them so that they may become better human beings in the future.
I also learnt a lot about how to raise a child as a single parent.
What was the happiest moment of your life?
The happiest moment of my life has to be the day that my daughter Omphulusa was born, 8 April 2009. I am sure my next happiest moment will be the day I walk down the aisle with the woman I will be marrying.
What has your biggest disappointment and your biggest success been so far?
My biggest disappointment was having to let go of a seven-year relationship. My biggest success was landing my first job. It opened the doors for all the other jobs.
Do you have any regrets in life so far?
Most of life’s disappointments have taught me great lessons. If I were to regret my disappointments, I don’t think I would be where I am. So, no I don’t have regrets, I have had many disappointments, but not regrets.
Are you busy with any project at the moment?
Yes, I am busy writing a book. It is a motivational book, which is an autobiography.
Something that no one knows about you?
There is quite a lot. One thing that people don’t know about me is that I only have sight on one of my eyes. I lost the sight in my left eye in 2007.