Broken pressure pump leaves Extension D residents with water woes
The community of Unit D has been struggling with water problems since December 2017 due to a broken pressure pump.

MOKOPANE – The pump is supposed to convey water to the highlying community.
Yolande Coetzee, DA Councillor, said: “Low reservoir levels also contributed to their issues but the main problem was the pressure pump as the municipality did not have the money to repair it.
“After a long back-and-forth process, the Mogalakwena Municipality Department of Technical Services replaced the pump in February through a service provider but the pump was not properly installed and the issues continued.
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“Weeks without water, not even getting assistance in the form of water tankers, ensued. The health of this small community of 50 households is in great danger, especially the children’s health.”
Coetzee added daily attempts to explain the seriousness of the situation to the department fell on deaf ears and it seems the situation is not getting the needed attention.
“Now the problem is spreading to public works, which is situated in front of the community, like Obaro and the Zebediela industrial area, which is one of the economic backbones of our town.
“Without water, numerous offices and factories will have to close their doors, with some already having done so, as no production could be done without water.
“A permanent solution is needed and no excuses will be sufficient anymore.”
No comment had been received from the municipality by the time of going to print.