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[COLUMN] Let us all get vaccinated

There are some deranged soothsayers and damfool pessimists who are spreading rumours about the efficacy of Covid-19 vaccines, writes Elvis Masoga.

There are some deranged soothsayers and damfool pessimists who are spreading rumours about the efficacy of Covid-19 vaccines. I will revert back to this point a bit later.

First detected in China in November 2019, the novel Coronavirus has thus far wreaked cataclysmic destruction across the world. Owing to its ferocious transmissibility and unbridled mutation, the virus was declared a Public Health Emergency by the World Health Organization (WHO) in January 2020. Besieged and entrapped, China dismally failed to contain the epidemic and it suddenly spread to Europe and other parts of the world. Sensing an imminent apocalyptic calamity, WHO urgently stepped in and declared Covid-19 a global pandemic in March 2020.

Without any cure or vaccine in sight, the pandemic imposed its rapacious barbarity on the human planet. Until the discovery of Covid-19 vaccines, the diabolical pandemic had claimed millions of lives and caused unimaginable destruction to the global economy. Not to mention the millions of jobs lost and thousands of business enterprises that resultantly faltered.

The world’s ingenious medical scientists managed to produce the first vaccine in November 2020. Pfizer-BioNTec became the first Covid-19 vaccine to be developed and to date about 30 varied vaccines are on the global market.

Vaccines are the only hope that can salvage humanity from the murderous claws of the most deadliest pandemic on earth. The world’s foremost epidemiologists and virologists have attested to the preventive efficacy of vaccines. Vaccines are highly capable of reducing the severity of Covid-19 infection among human beings. A vaccinated person will not develop any severe or fatal symptoms whenever he/she contracts Covid-19. A great advantage inherent in vaccines is that they prevent any severe symptoms, hospitalisation and even death due to Covid-19.

I humbly appeal to all citizens to get vaccinated in order to protect themselves and other community members. The more we can vaccinated, the better we increase our prospects of defeating Covid-19.

Finally, I say shame and shame to people who are peddling false innuendos about the efficacy of vaccines. Just imagine a lunatic cynic who does not even have a preschool certificate in medical science, spreading falsehoods about the efficacy of vaccines. What a prattle of moronic lunacy!


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