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Councillors pleased with voter registration weekend

Registration stations quiet and peaceful over weekend.

Although attendance of new voters and previous voters who had to register again was slightly disappointing, local councillors say they are pleased.

The Record received the following unofficial statistics from two reliable sources. Officially the statistics only will be released on Wednesday 13 November.

• Ward 70 saw 714 residents register on 9 November and 1 238 on 10 November. Over the weekend a total of 1 952 registered and 1 011 went to check their status.

• Ward 71 saw 541 register on 9 November and 766 on 10 November. In this ward a total of 1 307 registered and 905 went to check their status.

• Ward 82 saw 494 register on 9 November and 922 on 10 November, bringing the total to 1 416. 1 454 went to check their status.

• Ward 83 had 732 registering on 9 November and 966 on 10 November, totalling 1 698. A total of 1 154 went to check their status.

• Ward 84 saw 611 register on 9 November and 987 on 10 November bring the numbers to a total of 1 598. Only 897 went to check their status.

• Ward 86 saw 680 register on 9 November and 1 262 on 10 November, totalling 1 942. 938 went to check their status.

• Ward 85 saw 515 register on 9 November and 911 on 10 November, totalling 1 446. Unfortunately no figures were available as to how many residents went to check their status in this ward.

Excluding Ward 85, 9 913 residents registered and 6 359 went to check their status.

Potential voters still can register at the Civic Centre on floor two during the week according to Councillor Gert Niemand.

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