NKOSINATHI NTINI: The campaign is great because it attracts attention and educates people that cancer affects men too. Women and men can join hands to show support for those with cancer.
The Rosebank Killarney Gazette asked community members if they think campaigns like ‘Movember’ are effective in raising awareness about cancer affecting men. Here’s what they had to say …
KUDZAI MAPFINYA: I think that because the campaign is attached to a look, it has a better impact than a special day. Also, having it for a whole month as a man can help raise awareness.
JAEN KOEKEMOER: I think it’s effective in spreading the word, but I don’t know if it would affect people enough to make a change.
MARTIN WOLVAARDT: I participated in the campaign last year and it was fun. It’s a good campaign. Most businesses don’t like it because moustaches don’t look neat.
Share your views on the Rosebank Killarney Gazette Facebook page or email our editor on ashtynm@caxton.co.za
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