It can’t be business as usual…Hell No!
Now no one knows who gave the family permission to host a wedding at the venue.
SEDIBENG.- People must not be allowed in our lifetime to do as they wish with our sports facilities just because they are connected to powerful political figures.
Love or hate Zakes’ Sport Corner, this cannot be ignored when people decide to put a wedding tent right in the middle of Bophelong Stadium. To make matters worse, the venue was closed for construction, but for some reason one of the community members was allowed to host a wedding inside this past weekend. Zakes’ Sport Corner was told the same member of the community is related to one of the most powerful politicians who is also a member of parliament.
This is how much sports have been undermined in this region – people do as they please with sports facilities. Can somebody explain to Zakes’ Sports Corner how this happened with security personnel at the venue?
Athletes and supporters were not allowed to enter the sporting venue, but someone was allowed to put the big tent inside. The question is, who ordered the security personnel to open the venue for that family to place the tent inside, on the field nogal?
This just goes to show how powerful some individuals are within the community just because they are associated with politicians.
Now no one knows who gave the family permission to host a wedding at the venue. Emfuleni Local Municipality officials also have no idea who permitted the family to use the venue for a private event.
Zakes’ Sports Corner will get to the bottom of this because the sports people are suffering as things currently stand. The local soccer teams travel a long distance to play their league matches at other venues because Bophelong Stadium is under construction. Yet, with this wedding, it was a different story altogether. How can this be explained? This is happening in our lifetime and some of the leaders in the community don’t see anything wrong with this. In fact, their silence is too LOUD.
Zakes’ Sports Corner finds this very strange that no community leader even tried to prevent this from happening. Who gave who the right to open the venue for this wedding? Or is it a matter of who is the most powerful?
The truth is that sports people are taken for a ride, to say the least! Zakes’ Sports Corner will make sure those who allowed this wedding to take place at the venue will be held accountable. It can’t be business as usual. HELL no!