
OPINION: ‘Ugu’s key point areas should be exempt from load shedding’

The disastrous effect that load shedding has on our public health, safety and economy.

DEAR Editor;

Below is a copy of a demand that I have assembled.

I have noted the severe effect that Eskom planned failure to provide service (load shedding) has on water extraction, processing and delivery to demand reservoirs.

That water is a vital service delivery as both a basic human right as well as public safety measures.

The disastrous effect that load shedding has on our public health, safety and economy.

I have further noted, the gazetting (after a proclamation by the president) of the Critical Infrastructure Protection Act, 2019 that repealed the National Key Points Act 102 of 1980 (and its amendments).

In light of this, we, the residents of Ugu District Municipality, demand that:

– The Ugu mayor and council make urgent applications to the critical infrastructure council for the extraction and water treatment works on the Umtamvuna, the extraction point at St Helen’s Rock, and the water treatment works at Bhoboyi to be listed, under the provisions of the Act, and subject to the Regulations, as national key points.

– Once this process is expeditiously and transparently achieved, that the Ugu mayor and council make speedy application to Eskom for the exemption of these Ugu water-related key points from all future load shedding operations. As with other provisions made by Eskom in relation to many key point areas across the country.

– The Ugu mayor ensures full security measures as envisioned by the act are implemented at the above-stated areas of operation in order to protect the vital key points.

– The Ugu mayor keeps reporting back monthly to Ugu council and relevant public participation structures on progress made in regard to these demands by the residents of Ugu.



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