
7 Most mind-blowing things you’ve probably never thought of

Most of the time, it's completely random things that play on your mind, but there are several things out there that will having you thinking "WTH?".

WHEN boredom strikes, people begin to overthink a lot of things.

Most of the time, it’s completely random things that play on your mind, but there are several things out there that will having you thinking “WTH?”.

Things like, perhaps ‘rain is the clouds crying’ or ‘sleeping is just a sort of time machine to take you to breakfast faster’.

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Here is a list of some of the most mind blowing things you’ve never thought of before:

• The word ‘slang’ is short for street language

• Bubble-wrap is like bubble gum, but for your fingers

• Doing a handstand is holding the entire world in your hand

• Slugs are homeless snails

• Lasagna is basically spaghetti flavoured cake

• Vases are life support for plants

• A kangaroo is the T-Rex version of a deer.

Mind-blown yet?

The full list can be seen on Mashable


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