JABULANI Retirement Home in Warner Beach is on a drive to raise funds to replace three asbestos drinking water tanks on the roof of the 12-storey building, which is over 30-years-old.
Some R60,000 is needed to replace the tanks with two, 5,000 litre plastic tanks.
“The asbestos tanks pose a health hazard for residents. In addition, the existing water pipes and valves are corroded. Should a pipe rupture, it would be disastrous, as the roof would flood with 11,000 litres of water,” said Errol Theron of the Kingsburgh Welfare Organisation of the Aged (Kwofta) executive committee.
The fundraiser is being co-ordinated by Errol and his wife, Sharon-Ann, who is also on the executive committee.
“Unfortunately everything boils down to money and we have obtained quotes to temporarily re-route the existing piping, to remove and replace the asbestos tanks (which will require special handling and disposal procedures),with two new, 5,000 litre Jo-jo tanks supply and re-route the piping and valves to the new tanks.”
The work will have to be completed quickly as residents will have limited drinking water, while the tanks are being drained, dismantled and replaced. Businesses and the public is urged to support the fundraising drive. Anyone making a donation of R1,000 and more will be listed on the adjacent barometer until the target is reached.
Funds can be deposited in the following account: Nedbank Limited, account name: KWOFTA, account number: 130-607-6390, branch code130-627. The reference is Water.