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Meeting provides clarity on new Liquor Act

Liquor licensed establishment owners learn more about new liquor Act.

A successful KZN Liquor Licensing Act presentation was conducted by ward 97 councillor, Andre Beetge at Lords and Legends on Monday, 22 July.

In 2010 a notice was issued whereby the existing Liquor Act (27/1989) will be repealed and replace with the KZN Liquor Licensing Act (6/2010).

“While Act 6/2010 was scheduled to take effect in April 2013, there have been some delays and current speculation has implementation scheduled for the last quarter of 2013 or early 2014,” said Cllr Beetge.

“By implication, there is a consolidation of license types, opportunity for conversion, staggering of annual renewal dates and a substantial increase in licensing fees, being that the annual registration fee has remained at a constant R100 per annum since 1989.

The Department of Economic Development and Tourism has calculated inflation for the period since 1989, halved this and came up with annual license fees that are possibly more in line with current expectation.”

In addition, there is a change in trading hours for various categories, including new legislation that accommodates for off-site consumption trading on a Sunday.

“While the Act is quite bulky, it was felt knowledge and guidance on the routine day-to-day questions might assist license holders to comply.”

In attendance at the presentation were 50 representatives from the SAP, hotel, accommodation, brewing, retail, restaurant and related industries and enterprises that trade or deal in any form of liquor. Following the presentation, people were afforded the opportunity of a question and answer session to obtain additional clarity from two Liquor Board representatives present.

“On completion, existing licensed establishments were presented with a ‘Safe Drinking Place Compliance Charter’ to be displayed at all registered and compliant establishments once the Act takes effect.”

For more information on the KZN Liquor Licensing Act (6/2010), visit www.kznlqa.co.za or contact Swazi Mbambo on 081-033-0752, Thandeka Mthembu on 081-033-0741 or email Swazi.Mbambo@kznlqa.co.za.

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