Quick response from the Community Crime Prevention Organisation (CCPO) and Metro Police dog unit resulted in the arrest of an armed robber and the recovery of stolen goods in Illovo on Tuesday, 30 July.
According to CCPO operations manager, Leon Joone, two men who were collecting data on birdlife at the Illovo River picnic site were robbed of cameras, watches and cellphones by three men armed with knives at about 3.30pm.
“The three robbers fled into the bushes. The CCPO was called and we cordoned off the area. The Metro dog unit was called to assist and they went into the bushes after the robbers with a CCPO guard. One robber was arrested and most of the stolen goods were recovered.
This once again reiterates how important it is to have a Metro Police reaction unit based in Toti. We wouldn’t have caught this robber if the dog unit had to come from Isipingo or Umlazi.”