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Man injured in N2 accident

The injured pedestrian was transported to a local hospital for further medical care.

A PEDESTRIAN was knocked down by a car on the N2 in Prospecton after trying to cross the busy road earlier today, May 3. Morning traffic was disrupted as emergency personnel arrived to give medical attention to the injured man.

Also read: Man dies in Amanzimtoti freak accident

PT Alarms’ spokesperson Devhan Govindasamy said the incident highlighted the flouting of road safety rules.

“PT Alarms Tactical K9 Unit responded, together with metro police, and stood down with the injured pedestrian. PT Ambulance was quickly on the scene and assisted the provincial ambulance crew to stabilise him. The pedestrian was transported to a local hospital for further medical care,” said Govindasamy.



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Vusi Mthalane

Senior Journalist

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