Mayor welcomes spring in Ward 90
As spring starts, Mayor Mxolisi Kaunda encourages all residents to look after the environment.

Spring has sprung, and eThekwini pre-empted the official start of spring by launching a spring clean-up campaign at the Dakota and Reunion beaches on Wednesday, August 31.
ALSO READ: How to do gardening in spring
In the southern hemisphere, September 1 is generally observed as the official start of spring. In South Africa, it is also National Arbour Day.
At both sites, eThekwini mayor Mxolisi Kaunda planted trees and urged residents to play their part in keeping the city clean.
“You can do this by not littering, refraining from dumping waste illegally, and by taking out refuse on the morning of your collection day. Taking care of the environment is a collective responsibility,” said Kaunda.

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