Tidy Towns donates bin in Umgababa
The waste bin is located next to the Umgababa Medical Centre near the N2 off-ramp.

EXTENDING a helping hand to an ongoing clean-up and vegetable-planting project in Umgababa, Tidy Towns Amanzimtoti recently donated a waste bin to ensure that rubbish is collected properly.
Also read: Non-profit works to keep Umgababa beautiful
Based at Umgababa’s Area 38, the non-profit, We Feed SA project, is steered by Erwin Vermaak and Nompilo Msomi who combined their teams to lead clean-ups and plant communal vegetable gardens. Michelle Dunnett of Tidy Towns Amanzimtoti said the bin was the last of several that have been donated to various areas around Amanzimtoti. She applauded the work that is being done in Umgababa.
“What an amazing project. This is growing a stronger and better South Africa. The land is ready for planting, and if anyone would be prepared to sponsor some vegetable seedlings, please get in touch with me,” said Michelle.
The bin has been fixed next to the Umgababa Medical Centre near the N2 off-ramp.
The We Feed SA project has provided part-time employment to 44 young people and will end in May 2024 after running for nine months. Erwin and Nompilo have said they would like to see it continue if more funds and assistance can be sourced.
Anyone who would like to offer help, be it seeds, tools or expertise, can contact Nompilo on 083 741 1266 or email her at nompilo123@icloud.com. Erwin can be contacted on 082 891 7578 or mailed at erwinv07@icloud.com.
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