Amanzimtoti detective commander ensures justice is served
Lieutenant-Colonel Trustworthy Mbhele believes the community, her unit and the broader police station need to work together to ensure justice is served.

LIEUTENANT-Colonel Trustworthy Mbhele, the newly elected Amanzimtoti Police Station detective commander, boasts 18 years of dedication, determination and a passion for justice.
Mbhele began her career as a constable at Umlazi Police Station in 2005 and has since climbed the ranks through her dedication to learning and personal development. While in the force, she obtained her Diploma in Security Risk Management in 2012, her degree in 2014, and her Master’s in Management in 2022. She is now looking at pursuing a PhD.
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“Not only am I a firm believer in personal development for myself, but I also encourage my team to strive for growth,” she said.
Recognising the significance of collaboration, Mbhele said the community, her unit and the broader police station need to work together to ensure justice is served and criminals are brought to book.
“I fully believe in the saying, ‘United we stand, divided we fall’. A lot of the time, the community has information we need, however, they are fearful to come forward. I’m making an effort to get to know relevant stakeholders in the community, to build relationships and work together in order to solve cases,” she said.
Despite the challenges of her job, Mbhele maintains a positive outlook and remains committed to delivering exceptional service to the community. “Although we deal with so many traumatic, stressful cases, I always tell myself ‘what is done, is done’. The only thing I can do is support the community and ensure justice is served,” she said.
Although Mbhele’s role is the manager, she is still actively involved on the ground. “Sometimes, I also accompany detectives to a scene to offer guidance or to contact family members to offer support and resources. I’m also a very curious person and just want to dig deeper. I’m also not easily discouraged and always want to succeed even if it means putting in extra effort,” she said.
Outside of work, she enjoys spending time with her family or going for a walk or jog.
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