O Brien’s team pips Birds’ in monthly breakfast fours
WOODLANDS Bowling Club monthly breakfast fours were played on Thursday, 1 August with only 12 teams participating.

First past the post was the combination of Paddy O Brien, George Harris, Buck Borttge and Alan Bird on 4 + 13.
The first and second sessions went the way of Mike McFarlane, Arnie Harper, Brian Kimber and David Lyode on +10 along with the ensemble of Rina Harper, Linda Hewer, Margaret Either and Andy Coetze on +15 respectively.
The drawn consolation chocolates were claimed by Keith Wild skip, Jumbo Nel third, John ‘Fred’ Ferguson second and Ken Thomas lead. Two 60/40 boards were drawn with the lion’s share being pocketed by Rosa Vincent and Margaret Eitner, with David Lloyd and John Yunnie settling for the scraps.
Completing a successful day, Margaret Eitner won the meat raffle.
The drawn pairs will be held on Wednesday, 7 August. To enter, call Linda Hewer on 082-724-6575. Rob de Wildt, Bux Swanepoel and Lesley Morrison picked the right numbers for Friday night’s meat draw and the numbers 1-4-6 produced a fifth carryover in the lotto draw, although Mike McFarlane won the nominal bonus pool. Garth Wilkinson was not present at 6pm on Friday, and so forfeited the snowball, ensuring a pool of R300 next Friday. There was no Saturday swindle this week due to the Road Wizards function followed on Sunday by the annual Nappy Run supported by most motorcycle clubs in surrounding areas.
It was amazing to see the number of donated nappies that came to the fore to be distributed to various charities. An estimate of 200 bikes converged on the club and the bikers are congratulated on their charitable contributions. A toy run along with the teddy bear run are planned for later this year. Stud recently tried to navigate an area in the Eshowe district using a GPS with an American accent, only to see more sugar cane and sand roads all day that he did not believe existed. Just goes to show what happens when a Scotsman tries to listen to a Yank.