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Lecture to outline search for alien life forms

DO you believe in aliens? Whether science fiction, or science fact, the existence of extraterrestrial life has become a hot topic over the last 50 years.

A public lecture, entitled ‘Searches for alien microlife in the Earth’s atmosphere’ is being held at the Durban University of Technology Steve Biko Campus library on Tuesday, August 13 at 1pm. Email sinegugunp@dut.ac.za to RSVP or for information.

Experiments conducted by the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) have fuelled the idea of extraterrestrial life. Internationally acclaimed astrophysicist, Professor Jayant Narlikar, led experiments conducted by the ISRO in which specialised equipment was sent up to heights of 41km attached to balloons to take air samples. These experiments will be the focus of a lecture by Prof Narlikar, including the detection of cells and bacteria in the air samples.

“The question is, can we definitely assert that they (cells and bacteria) are coming from outside? Astronomers argue that our sun is one among many stars in the galaxy, and that our galaxy is one among many in the universe. The DNA-based life we know on Earth is made of many complex organic molecules and since the 1960s, many others have been found in the giant molecular clouds in our Milky Way galaxy. A further support for belief in extraterrestrial life was provided when extra-solar planets began to be discovered. Today more than 500 such planets are known. Encouraged by these facts, the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence programme seeks to look for life in our stellar neighbourhood by sending radio messages with technical information. If we get a reply, this will prove the existence of progressive life in the universe. Side-by-side, it is worth examining if life in elementary form, like bacteria, viruses or cells, exists on our door-step,” said Prof Narlikar.

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