Steel drum band entertains Stainbank WI
After tea member enjoyed the wonderful entertainment provided by the Ningizumu School.

STAINBANK Women’s Institute president Arlene Greenfield opened the meeting by welcoming all members and visitors.
Thoughts were with Cynthia McFarland and Joyce Andrews while all members sang ‘Unity’.
The secretary read out the minutes of the last meeting which were signed by Arlene and the treasurer gave the financial report.
Arlene then gave a report on Congress and read out the competitions. Congress is expected to be sometime in September.
Then came the Easter hat parade by members and many thanks to those who remembered to don a bonnet. There were some amazing ideas. Arlene came first and Shirley Kruger second and all other members third. Arlene then called for volunteers to assist at the Montwood Meals Care Centre. It is only once a month and it is sad that more members do not volunteer, as women’s institute is for ‘home and country’. During the month, the WI had an outing to the Stainbank Art Gallery to look at the works and sculptures of Mary Stainbank. This was well worth a visit. Members were also reminded of the group meeting to be hosted by Woodlands WI. The booklets for the year are now available.
Many thanks indeed to Linda Hewer and her granddaughter for typing and providing the booklets. Members are to ensure they have a copy.
Many thanks to members who did tea duty on that day, the snacks were delicious. If you cannot do tea duty on your appointed day, arrange for another member to stand in for you.
After tea member enjoyed the wonderful entertainment provided by the Ningizumu School. These very special children are so talented and quite amazing on the steel drums. Everyone had their feet tapping to the tunes. They did not appear to have any music sheets but just played on. Members could have listened for much longer Thank you to the children of Ningizimu School.
Competition results:
Adult ed: lst Sue Dennison; 2nd Elaine de Jager; 3rd Sheila von der Zon.
Home produce: lst Elaine de Jager; 2nd Aileen Wiggill; 3rd Sheila von der Zon.
Cookery (homemaking): 2nd Elaine de Jager; 3rd Jeanette Turley.
Handicraft: lst Sheila von den Zon.
Merit: lst Jeanette Turley; 2nd Flo Harper; 3rd Sheila von der Zon and Monica Wilson.
Agri and horti: lst Elaine de Jager.
Floral: lst Beattie Johnson Webber.
Best bloom: lst Sheila von der Zon; 2nd Phyllis Parsonage; 3rd Aileen Wiggill and Elaine de Jager.
Best rose: 1st Sheila von der Zon; 2nd Aileen Wiggill; 3rd Phyllis Parsonage.
Best orchid: lst Monica Wilson; 3rd Phyllis Parsonage.
Total marks:
3rd Aileen Wiggill;
2nd Elaine de Jager and
lst Sheila von der Zon.
Well done members. Sue Dennison reminded members that this was the first time she had entered a competition and she came first, so there you go – always have a try at the competitions.
Stainbank WI meets at Yellowwood Park Civic Centre on the first Tuesday of each month at 9am for 9.30am and all are very welcome to join.